Sunday, October 28, 2007


Everyone has a say in something. Even if it doesn't concern them one bit.

Unfortunately, the only people whose opinions do count, however, are those with power. Power granted mostly by those whose opinions DON'T count.

It is in *anyone's* interest to *ensure* that their *subordinates* have a degree of fear. The less educated they are and the less well-informed they are would mean that they are less of a threat.

It is also in anyone's interest to stay out of anything. The less they know, the happier they will be.

If the above two paragraphs are true, then the following must be true:

1) People become interested things that affect them, only.

2) People will not take any action until they are *threatened*.

3) Apathy makes your world go round.

4) People will want *something* to make them feel *secure*.

Hence here we are today. It's just like why monkeys love peanut butter and jam as much as we do.

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