Friday, November 9, 2007


XXX: " You ought to listen to others more when they tell you stuff. You got this 'ok la whatever' kind of attitude.' .. "

I nearly shouted back FUCK YOU when you told me this. First, you pulled me out in a totally retarded manner. And then you try to pull this fucking crap on me.

WHAT THE FUCK do you think I've been trying to do all this while? Do I look as though I've thrown in the towel? I'm not trying hard enough? Haven't I been listening to what everyone said? Isn't nodding my head good enough? I need to go down on my fucking knees to appease you now? 'Put in more effort' LMAO. Fuck you bitch. Like totally.

I knew you're a son of a bitch the very first time I saw you, I just didn't behave as though you are one. Fuck, just about the other few people I talked to about you told me how fucked up you are. Just because you dig these things faster than I do doesn't mean a fucking thing about how great you are, and no, you're not one fucking bit cool so stop trying to be. I should have just nailed your balls and watch you cry out in pain you bastard. Just SHUT THE FUCK UP if you don't have anything constructive to say, really. You totally fucked whatever mood I had left up.

On a lighter note, here's my thanks for your piece of dipshit advice: _l_ FU YOU KNNBCCB _l_

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