Tuesday, January 1, 2008


And then there was 2007.
It didn't just end abruptly; I watched it dissolve day by day. That doesn't make the year more unique, because apparently I'm so aware of its passing that I'm beginning to feel the dreadfulness associated with next year....
In reality I'm not half as emo as the above. 2007 was a brilliant year (can't say the same for others), mainly because it was really flashy. In what sense? Lets see..
First 3 months: Scraped through homework and met cool people in school.
Next 3 months: NJCG when I finally won something because of my blatant addiction. And then I met more cool people (2nd intakers). God I know I'm lousy when it comes to descriptions, but cool is a one size fit all kind of word.
Well, another 3 months: BORING. except when I began talking to MUPPET =D It was like an everyday affair that was obviously more exciting than sun sets and rises. Yes, thanks alot MUPPET.
Whew, and finally last 3 months: Went as actively as I could for squash, because I don't want to end up bnetting for more than 16 hours in a row, which if I recall correctly, did get me sick previously. At least I needn't worry about entering NS 4 weeks earlier - I got my ass moving enough, I think. Gaming with Ks, Xd and Zr was cool too. We just need to figure out how to stop typing LMAO during the "Quiz of Death".... and besides staying up till 1 to 3am everyday to squeeze in the extra bnet game or to pass another 50 turns in MOO3, I pretty much enjoyed this whole time. *Dodges the label "LOSER" *
Oh, I must give an honourable mention to PW. I had the most LOL kind of group that did extreme makeovers many times over just to drag ourselves out of crap so deep we'd be amazed to get ME at the end of the day. Yes, I'm actually proud of the "quality" work we conjured out of ROFL-land. Thanks guys, I didn't get to say this to any of you.
Oh one more to kingkong ^^ The person who is perma-dieting without any visible results =D you just make me go =) because you're nice to POKE FUN at XD
One to Mr Loh. I didn't forget what you told me. That's enough on my part.
To CHS 2006 4-4: The bunch of people that are still BROTHERS. SPEECHLESS. Just so unique it puts the word 'funky' to shame ^^
Next year? Oh dang. It's *this* year. Good thing I barely finished my work, so I needn't get beaten up by any teachers right off the bat. Squash? See how it goes. NJCG? Yes please another mouse! Birthday? Must make it a lil cooler than before! Girlfriend? Skip. Friends? Get loads more, uh huh. A levels? D-U-H. NS? It's probably the most hip chalet with free food, free lodging, free guns to play with... RIGHT. It's going to come anyway.
The future? Who cares, I'm no seer. And that wraps everything up. Now, what was I going to say...
*takes a deep breathe, syncing the last few songs, and sleeps peacefully, knowing that 2008 is upon him*

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