Friday, February 22, 2008


Hopefully no Google search lands someone here.
"Intelligent" beings learn by imitation. That would explain why the monkeys at the zoo are capable of procuring bananas on their own even if they're hidden inside boxes. They know bananas grow on trees for sure, but they're might just be debating if there are trees inside those boxes (not the point). Likewise, children function similarly in scary ways. You can stab yourself and tell them NOT to do it, but the they will skip the auditory message and instead try out what you're actually doing - simply because they want to find out what's going to happen next.
Ks/Xd has shown me some hilarious videos on youtube that features episodes that are being broadcasted from certain Arabian TV stations. The first one is a cartoon that begins with "evil" Israeli soldiers who murder a family, leaving one sole surivor who later joins a terrorist school and "learn" more about what they're up against. He later straps grenades on to himself and ambushes a convoy that consists of the same few Israeli murderers, shouts "ALLAH AKHBAR!", or "God is great", and kills everyone. The aftermath shows only a bloodied spot on the "matyr's" body.
The second one is a show similar to that of Barney the dinosaur, just that the character in a suit now is Farfour, the Arabian (?) version of Mickey Mouse. Farfour's grandfather handed him a key and some documents concerning the "real origins" of the land which Jerusalem resides on before dying. He also explained that Islam once ruled the word, and will be masters of the world again in time to come. Later Farfour gets captured by Israelis who wants to trade for the documents with money. When Farfour refuses, he gets beaten up (EXTREMELY FUNNY, you don't get to see Mickey getting beaten up everyday) and then the screen says "Farfour is matyred".
It might have been twice as funny had I not known a disturbing fact. These videos are created with the intention of targeting an age group, specifically, children. Yes, truly. Instead of Power Rangers, Pokemon, or even Barney who is unbelievably corny, they're exposed to sickening falsehoods at too tender an age, where their capability of differentiating right from wrong is at its weakest. It is true that Israelis have killed women and children before, but what is the reasoning behind it? Would you really receive Allah-knows-how-many virgins as a reward if you do indeed "martyr" yourself? Finally, what do you stand to gain, truly, from blowing yourself up?
Unfortunately, there are half as many responses indicating a terrifying lack of reasoning too. Some people believe that Muslims themselves are at the root of the problem, when we all know it is the twisted misinterpretation of the Quran by only a few. And then the story continues. More and more people will be dragged into something they have no desire to be in, given a choice. Some go on to think that the existence of religions divide people irrevocably and is at fault for all the turmoil in this troubled world. Oh wow. It's funny how people always think that cats and dogs can't ever get along.
If we believe in an eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth, we will all be blind and dumb in the end.

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