Saturday, July 21, 2007


I downloaded "Over The Hedge" recently and watched it. Yes, I know it's some ancient movie, but I prefer animations to most other movies because there's a "guaranteed" minimum for entertainment value ( the reason why you would wanna watch any movie in the first place).
It's a film on this raccoon who tried to steal junk food from a bear and lost all of it in the process. The bear got pissed ( can't imagine my Pringles being stolen =( ) and wanted the raccoon to recover them all within a given time, otherwise hes dead by the next full moon. Anyways the raccoon stumbled upon a bunch of small animals which has awoken from hibernation, now in the midst of gathering food.
This raccoon knows how to obtain potato chips, soft drinks, chocolate bars etc etc from homes, and after plundering alot, a lady called in the pest exterminator. And then of course like how almost animations end, the exterminator gets chased away by the animals somehow and they lived happily ever after.
There's one scene that I can particularly remember though. It's about the exterminator demonstrating how to use the traps that would kill/maim/imprison the animals in gruesome ways. As exaggerating the fictional methods depicted can be, it's worth muling over.
Now honestly, I do not have a problem with killing pests. If it's cockroaches or rats, they should all be done away with.
Globally, it's not a surprise as to how cruel animals are being treated on the whole. You have cases of cats being abused in Singapore along void decks not too long ago ( actually it was last year ). You have fishing trawlers killing off more than just fish in their nets. Sharks are thrown back into the sea after their fins are removed for soup making. Pigs are fed tons of sewage water just so that they fetch a higher price in the market. Smaller bears are chained up to entertain.
No, I'm not innocent either. I constitute a demand for all of them (except the cats and bears)
"Survival of the fittest" is something I can't disapprove of. In the wild, anything goes. but at least everything there dies so quick that they're spared the fleeting moments of torture.
We're no less savage then them, and this fact smites us harder when.. it's obvious that we're empowered to clean this all up.
On a side note, movie directors don't produce animations for the sake of reliving their childhood experiences, or to liven up the mood at Hollywood (not that there's a need to).
The tales often spin in more than just money.

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