Saturday, September 8, 2007


I went to Games Convention Asia 07 with Kaisheng and Xuandao yesterday.
I wasn't awaiting this event - I didn't even know it existed until that morning, and it is thanks to the most unlikely source ever =D
One reason why I wanted to go so badly was because I thought there was free SC2 available. It was so dissappointing to see that the Blizzard booth had ZERO signs of SC2 present, save for one 2 big TV screens, one showing the Burning Crusade opening vid (DUDE THATS EARLY THIS YEAR) and cinematic trailer on WoTLK (OK THATS AVAILABLE ONLINE LA). Pfft. I'm your biggest fan stupid blizz, I've played WC 1 like since 10 years back!
It was funny seeing how does Nintendo Wii works. It is funny as how a video I watched on Youtube places it: "shaking some stupid thing". Kaisheng and Xuandao went to try this game (no idea what the name is) that involves slaying humans by using a gun or a knife - that's when the shaking comes in. Somehow headshots don't cut it, because you need at least 3 bullets in the head to see it getting blasted off. The knife's way more gosu. Just swing it like opening champagne bottles and you'll get to slash mobs at one go provided they are close enough. Unfortunately, the game designer is kinda short sighted. While there were many ways in which enemies can be beheaded, there wasn't any way to show guts flying out =/
Asiasoft with their whole load of cartoonish games came with full force. I guess this is some gross miscalculation on Blizzard's part, didn't they notice the sick number of sales of BC early this year on its opening date? I'll spend my whole day trying out SC2 if I don't have to look at kiddie games or poser games. There's this gay stupid RTS game called Darkness and Light coming out by Asiasoft. THE MAP LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE DOTA ROFL. How stupid can you get? You have hero portraits on the top left hand corner, similiar interfaces, even retarded creep waves exist! Then there was this other game that was called Warhammer Online that is an exact replica of WoW with graphics plugged in from 5 years back. Had Blizzard been wise enough to patent their game models, they needn't even make anymore games in the future to make money. They are that groundbreaking.
The Razer booth was the most exciting one. They invited "Rocketboy" from China to play Quake 3 1 on 1 with any member of the public in a 15 frag match. Should anyone be able to get 2 frags, they would be able to walk away with a Death Adder mouse. That's the catch though - out of the 20+ people that went up to try, only one guy managed to get 1 kill, and it's only because Rocketbuy spent almost all of his health blasting himself to spots using his rocket launcher. His play truly redefines what WTF means. Besides bunny hopping across sections that seem so far away, he travels across the map so insanely to get all the pickups, leaving the opponent with only one to play at most. He even humiliated several players by gauntlet-ing them all 15 frags. The most sick parts was railing them in mid air. Ontop of this, one truly surprising fact was that a girl managed to take 2 frags off him the day before oO. Thats like so WOW...
Played this cool Tekken 5 game on PS3 and I picked all the hot and sexy chicks. Yes I love their long, long legs. To think that Tse Mei thought I was referring to her when I placed it as my msn nick - HAH!.
It's about time more gaming stuff takes place on Singapore - like ALOT more.

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