Friday, August 31, 2007


Teacher's Day-
Wanted to pon, but ended up coming to school because there would be so much pwnage awaiting at home should my parents know that I've actually skipped school. Stupid of me to tell my mum by accident that there's school anyway.
ACES Day workout was changed into something really... ok well I'm just speechless. It's techo music with kickboxing made into some exercise - need I say more?
Skipped celebrations from 9am onwards, because I was really afraid that it was going to be a repeat of the National Day celebrations. Played some squash until everything was over, and headed back to Catholic High to see a few teachers.
Yuan(Form and Chinese): Is missing in action. Ok I miss her now that I've got the english and nastier version of her teaching me maths and being my CT now =/ Best of health to you then.
Anna Tan(Maths): She talked about spoiling us without much choice, because the priority was to ace the O levels. Always extremely motherly(don't mind the nagging) and warm/caring. Please replace my current maths teacher through a miracle k thanks.
Edwin Heng(English): My saviour. He solved the one last piece of my puzzle, the one I never thought had an answer in sight. He never gave up. That's good enough a reason for me not to. Thanks, you're inspirational (something I haven't said to more than 3 people in my life).
Danny Tan(History): Smart and really funny. I needn't go into detail. He get things done right and shows us how to do it, with lots of faith in everyone. The first guy I thanked on the day of O levels.
The rest: None too memorable. But definitely invaluable. Thanks anyway
Yup I know it's strange how I started to thank everyone of them here, like 9 months long over due. It's only right when you know who have walked beside you to the end, I guess. And I never got to properly thank them anyway.
I spent 15 minutes alone at my old classroom. Took a few photos of my seat, the board, alongside the windows. I walked in circles endlessly, looking out of the window nervously, as though a former teacher of mine is going to enter the classroom to begin lessons. All the other classrooms are empty now. They weren't like that last year. It was always filled with crazy people skateboarding in them and smashing up lockers - 4-7 people from 2006. Then there's also the occasional burst of loud laughter from 4-8. I could just sit there forever - until someone actually called me.
It felt so familiar, this feeling of uncertainty. Like how I used to cry all of a sudden when I tried to imagine how things would be like as time passed, should my parents pass away and leaving me alone.
This is what defines a person in the end I guess - the courage to accept reality and know that it must happen. When you no longer try so hard to stop the inevitable from occuring, that's when you'll know what truly lies at the end.
Spent some incredible day with 4-4 classmates. Lots of laughter, lots of fun. Thank god I was stupid enough to tell my mum that there was school today.

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