Friday, August 17, 2007


GP TOPIC SENTENCE: Money makes the world go round (not as if we don't know the world really is round). You agree boh?
Thesis: Of course la! Everyone wants money. Which bodoh don't want? Got money can do lots liao lo. Like can go change new handphone every month la, buy all those new Nokia 9999 model sia. They make those new phones like rats make babies like that, I buy one new phone already, I become outdated even before my prepaid card expire. Alamak la duno why those maker so bo tai ji one, whole day their head only got things like 3G and 12345 sms free that kind. Help my stupid PW can liao ma! Whole day generate idea, all use to make $$ one!
Agree : People not loyal to many things one okay, but if got one thing for sure hor, they are loyal to $$! Who can pay them more of course go work for them la! Do that stupid job kena tekan nevermind one, $$ will make you forget all your worries! We not talking about getting yourselves fed with 3 meals. It's all about CONDO leh! Can also buy Ferrari sia! Singaporeans whole day complain Certificate Of Entitlement too expensive, complain go through ERP gantry also need pay $$... if got all that $$, still need take stupid bus meh? Siao ar! Who don't want to sit down after a long hard day's of work! Got car can ownself blow aircon 24/7 until you die inside thanks to carbon single-side.
Disagree: The allure of monetary incentives is in itself, a wrong motivation for accepting any job offer. Corruption is inevitable. Unfortunately, the values of honesty and integrity that we used to treasure have all evanesced. Take China for example. The government has sworn to clamp down on rampant graft, but the number of wayward officials arrested ever since I bothered to read the newspapers since last year have seemed to equal the entire civil servants in Singapore. As if selling their souls out to greed wasn't enough, some have chosen to stray further by tainting their hearts with murder. People rarely realise that there is no large enough an amount that can truly pacify their voracity.
Agree #2 : Aiyo, our live also last only this long leh, don't enjoy now, when else to enjoy! Just imagine, got $$ liao can eat all the buffet meals you ever wanted, every morning you can eat Mac's nonstop till you drop dead! Eat until you destroy your weighing scale liao how? Use liposuction la! All those fats immediately gone leh! No need waste time go work out, can use that precious time to play, play and play! Sian of going to watch movie when got idiots talk louder than the main character one? Scared what, at home just buy that zai kia movie surround your house sound system lor! Whole day sit back and watch DVD! Scared people around you call you loser ar? Just go chiong and buy all those Crumpler bags, Nike Shox, Louis Vuitton stuff, and all the zai clothes you ever dreamt of! Scared kena robbed when you withdraw money? Scared later your house got burn down or car tio scratched? But then, got money liao, still scared what!
Disagree #2: .... I give up.
Disagree #3: =/
Conclusion: I'm so going to fail GP =P

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