Sunday, August 26, 2007


Friday was NJ’s Open day. It sucks really bad because obviously no serious sec 4 student is ever going to turn up on the midst of their prelims. Not that it really matters anyway. Any student who couldn’t make it to RJ/VJ/HCI would end up coming here ^^
The IT club had nothing to showcase besides trying to pull people in to play. I was so tempted to just play one ladder game. It has been 5 weeks since I last played one. I was so desperate to get just one game that I actually helped to pack up the Aikido stall to get Kai Sheng out =p Upon reaching Bytez however, there remaining two functioning comps didn’t have LAN connection. There, I didn’t break my vow after all. I could already feel my micro ebbing away. I could no longer do unit blocks (not that I could do it well in the first place), nor can I even run dying stuff away successfully. Everything feels so foreign, especially so with the new diamondback.
Oh, why the diamondback? Why wasn’t it a death adder? Somehow, IT club misplaced it. They then decided to buy a new one for me, which of course has to be paid through the CCA funds. And since they had to pay, they’ve decided to compromise by paying $30 for the diamondback instead of $80+ for a death adder. Eventually, the CCA took three weeks just to get the money out of their funds, and even then Nigel had to go and get it for me on his own(THANKS ALOT, though you won’t read this). I’m not complaining though. It’s not as if I fought really hard to win this, and 200 dpi isn’t going to make a difference unless it’s an FPS (which I don’t play). Being nice does get things done.
After Open Day was officially over, I played some squash with Joel and made one really lousy shot into the ceiling that actually blew a hole right through it – and resulting in three balls falling down. Now that part of the ceiling threatens to break off , making it unsafe for people to use the courts =/
Gloria once asked me, “What if there’s something that can’t be explained actually happens to you?” While only one out of twenty five thousand would actually be afflicted with uveitis, with 80% of them being above 30 years old, what are the chances that I would be the one down with it among all of you people?
I didn’t have a proper answer for her then.

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