Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Hope is the very first step on the road to disappointment. NO I'M NOT GETTING EMO. I happened to download Dawn of War that had this unit named the Librarian who goes about saying that pwnage sentence over and over again.

It is frighteningly true. There can be nothing worse than being in mired in despondency; one who despairs is already at the precipice of sanity. The concept of hope is grounded in postivity, which paradoxically can only exist under negativity. Taking the tale of Pandora's Box to be true, then perhaps we're better off than if her curiosity wasn't inherent.

I watched a couple of freak shows today while at Yixin's house to celebrate birthdays (including mine which takes place tomorrow). Saw 3 was the only striking one. Jigsaw throws *unappreciative* people into damning situations in order to change their lives. While it's not his say as to how others should live their lives, where would we be without recovering from a downturn?

Have we lived a life if it was as flat as being dead? Just how much inaction on one's part can be quantified to be someone who "has no life"? Herein lies the catch - haven't we all wished for a better life?

Hope and wish have been used so interchangeably that their meanings have been diluted. The *subtlety' involved is ignored too often, but I'm not one to clarify the distinction.

Wishes are plentiful these days, hope in less abundance. Thankfully I'm starting to hope - not exactly for a complete change from my compulsive habit - because there's simply nothing better to do at the moment. I hope the next year will be different from the previous one as always.

I wish it will be a better one as *always*.

Here's why my wishes don't usually get granted:

JUST KIDDING. I wish for more significant things than that =D

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