Thursday, June 26, 2008


Sorethroat struck first but it wasn't something unforeseen. Sometimes you just get too lazy to drink water, and then it decides to creep up from behind. I couldn't sleep the whole night because breathing properly became impossible.

Upon pulling myself to school the next day, I walked around like a zombie, discovering to my horror that I couldn't speak up thanks to the sorethroat. I decided to take care of myself by sleeping immediately upon reaching home instead of doing ANYTHING.

But the most important part came at night when my mum actually took leave upon knowing I fell sick. I actually yelled "GAY SHIT" in my mind because that means a full day of playing...gone.

I recovered really fast thanks to her blended orange juice and what not. She was the one who wrapped towels around my head to cool the fever off too. And then she didn't get bored of refilling my water bottle.

I was back the next day still being half-dead but at least not d e a d like on Tuesday.

Life likes to kick me in the balls time to time.


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