Thursday, July 31, 2008


Because someone wanted to read rubbish, I decided to conjure some up. Heck, I'm don't even need to try that hard.

In this picture, you'll get to see that I'm obviously (fill in the blank) while there are LOTS of people out there who prefer that I cough up the necessary change. I get Paramount Pictures, Time Warner Telecom, Universal Studios, MediaSentry and the whole lot on that traffic list all the time. To prevent paranoia from being induced a dozen times over, I choose to not watch the list grow twelve feet long by the minute. Yes, there was once the list got chocked full within 5 seconds ._.
The interesting part lies in two entries that are logged there - one that refers to the "ministry" of of some Baltic country, the other referring to some military institutition (NAVY FYI). I hereby swear that I'm not a hacker; I know as much about hacking as I do about good/fashionable/appealing/what-have-you-not clothing. Am I a threat to national security? Of course not. Then why are these big guns in suits checking me up?
They aren't. At least they aren't the ones doing so. Somehow, I got this gut feeling that some geeks behind the computer (I'm not one of them k thx) who knows alot about zeros and ones are the real perpetrators behind it. They're so brilliant at this puppetry that only one who has been treading in equally deep waters can hope to find out where they are. If you believe that seeing is believing in this frontier you probably believe in Santa Claus.

I can't thank enough the hero(es) ( I shan't insult them with geek) who happen to be equally savvy in this field.
On a side note, luckily I didn't teach my father how to be a pirate, eye-patch/wooden leg and all.The last time I checked, his computer didn't have Universial Studios probing around.

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