Monday, April 14, 2008


Someone told me two weeks ago that I had "chiobus" in my class, namely X1 and X2. He then commented on what a nice class I have, presumably because of that. To be specific, I had to ask "HUH WHO'S THE CHIOBU" when he mentioned them, not because the girls in my class are unsightly, but because I'm freaking curious. First up, I didn't agree with whatever he said but of course being a 'gentleman' I didn't mouth it all out - I didn't find those two that he mentioned to be "chiobus". And second, they're already taken up, so there's not much point in trying to agree with what he said.
The first time I heard the term "chiobu" was back in P6. I thought they're talking about "chou" (ugly in chinese) girls so I couldn't join in half the conversations. Thankfully I don't live under a rock. I figured out what it means 'intuitively' but never actually applied it extensively to girls in reality. The times when I use this term would be those like a really good shot being made in any sports game and I go "WAH CHIO LA". (I don't really like being a spectator)
As a rule of thumb, it is my innocent belief that marrying someone who happens to be chio is a plus, but marrying someone because she's chio has serious implications: it's best that you mentally prepare your divorce papers at any rate.
'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder' sounds too butterfly-rainbowish for dimwits like me to chew on, but I probably got it all figured out using all the time I spent stoning my existence away. Here's a really good example: I went to my friend's birthday party once when another classmate of mine brought along his PS3. The moment my eyes laid itself upon it, I couldn't stop stroking it and kept murmuring "sexy nia...". Everyone there had a good laugh. Truth is, I really couldn't pull my hands off its sleak surface and am completely mesmerised by it. However, I can swear I'm mentally sane because I'm capable of typing this sentence (i.e insane people would try 'I'M NORMAL OK'). I'm also not a gadget fanatic, as proven by my oh-so-durable handphone that's worthy of being exhibited in any museum (five year old model, anyone?). I do find a PS3 fascinating, but like any infatuation, it was only temporary. Which was to my relief since I didn't have to fork out $1000 to get myself excited.
Scientifically speaking, it could be possibly due to certain chemical signals in my brain that simply zapped the wrong way at the wrong time, resulting in a mental state that's beyond meditation. That's what any Romeo would call "love at first sight", any pervert as one hot chick, and any neurologist as a biological marvel to go wow at.
It might be 'worrying' to some that their relationship was composed based on pure chemistry and not magic as they would like to have believed. On the other hand, Amortentia in the Harry Potter series exists only in, well, the Harry Potter series. What would happen if you try drowning dung beetles in that? Would they really smell fragrant and delicious poo?
Animals have come a pretty long way in evolution in terms of finding their perfect mates, but I am honestly clueless as to how the connection works. Having watched countless episodes of Animal Planet where elephants get horny, I can't distinguish one from another. (pointless paragraph)
Someone kept lol-ing at me for being close to someone who's 'fugly' to him. I couldn't blame him, because he couldn't ever see it from my eyes. I just happen to find this particular someone very... undescribable. Dang. I must have threw my vocab out of the window. Or maybe there just aren't any that I can use.
At least I needn't prep my divorce papers specially for the abovementioned cause.

A rainbow's beautiful not because it's monochromatic.

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