Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I emailed my doctor regarding my eye condition, and he gave a reply stating that I'm likely to be posted to a non-combat vocation. It sounds anything but bad to me. (HEHE)
Today (was) a crucial match for the guys' squash team. We already lost to ACSI, and we had to win ACJC if we're to stand any chance of going into the top four. I had a premonition but I kept it to myself mostly other than my fellow referee.
The captain called for lots of support, and even made an arrangement to swap courts so as to accomodate the supporters. He hoped, unfortunately in vain, that it was going to have a positive effect. It didn't, or perhaps there wasn't any. On hindsight, the players might have performed better if there weren't any support to begin with, with the pressure being less overbearing. But again, on hindsight even Einstein might have been dropped into a Woodbridge equivalent before he became a genius, so there's no point looking back (now).
Strange enough, I didn't feel one bit sad when 5-0 was incoming, not even till now. It must have been a habit of mine to drop attachment really quick when I can't get any (in)tangible benefits. Or maybe because I'm dead tired and sleepy just by thinking of the right picks for tomorrow's games. Either way, I'm more interested in the process of the entire match.
Being fierce is motivational to oneself, is aesthetic to the spectators; but most importantly, is unnerving to your enemies.

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