Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Like thoroughly =D
The CTs have just ended in a matter of 3 days. Obviously it felt better than last year when every single prelim lasted 2 weeks, since this some really quick and painless death. Why painless? Simply because I'm numbed by the dread of doing the next one in line with my impromptu preparation. It's like how the Russians hand out ONE rifle and some ammo to every 2 soldiers during World War 2. The difference? Even the Russians weren't heading to their deaths as incontrovertibly as I was going to =D
So here's how I fared : HAHAHA. That's all I can remark on my performance in all the papers, since that's the first thing I do the moment the paper's collected.
I'm going to post one of the most truly memorable moments I could recall from the Common Test. Please don't laugh too hard at how stupid I am or how lousy my Maths is. I swear I'm usually 0.01% brighter than what's shown here ^^ Here we go :
Maths. Question 5 is some apgp question and I'm always encouraged to see one because the formulas used can't get any more straight forward. While this question SEEMS as difficult as 1+1, it took me a great 45 minutes to finally... stop considering the question and eventually skipping it.
" The first, third and fourth term of a geometric progression are consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression. ..... Find the common ratio of the geometric progression. "
*begins to scribble down (a+nd)/(a+(n-1)d) = (a+(n+1)d / (a+nd) and attempts to solve*
*eventually reaches something like (a^2 + dn^2 + nd^2 + ....) divided by something that is full of a's, n's and d's to different powers.*
*scratches head, takes a look at the clock : 10 minutes have passed*
"siao lah! I simplify this till next day also won't get numerical answer one. teachers won't so 'qian bian' de lor, they probably wouldn't pwn us so horribly. if I get this string of C - programming, must be because my eye really really koked up, duno why can divide and multiply until so jialat."
*tries all over again, eventually reaching a result that does not look too far off from the previous one. worse, apparently getting a different one really indicates that I got kok eye =/. stares a while longer while fiddling with my thumbs*
*peers at clock, notices that 25 minutes have passed.begins to bite finger nails.*
"ehh sharks la. this question really con me of my time sia.I should just pangseh this question asap to save myself while I can. all maths papers are very ass one, trying to ka jiao people till they boh time left."
"ah nvm. its a 3 hour paper la, halfway through liao sure got time to sleep one, at most chiong abit faster after this lor"
*mind begins to beat around the bush in unproductive thinking. begins to tear some hair out. thoughts eventually arrived at.....*
"if they are gp terms, then just now the rubbish I wrote should be correct mah! zzz..impossible to simplify that one lah! eh can find r in anothe way!"
"take (a+nd)/(a+(n-1)d) then square root then can immediately get r!*
*tries, and ends up with .....lots of a's and n's and d's to the power of half.throws hands up in the air in despair.*
*beings to bang my head on the table.7 marks have flown away alongside 45 minutes*
I ended up with losing at least 18 marks to leaving questions blank, and probably alot more to mistakes made. To be honest, 3 hours is really more than enough time. It's simply because I miscalculated gravely. So much for taking a MATHS test. How not to when I couldn't even meet the most basic requirement =D

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