Monday, June 4, 2007


Just a few days back, a poor fellow died from breathlessness due to a blood clot. He’s a high flier with a double degree, was from GEP in RI etc, and... he just passed away like that.
Just months ago, there were several reports of people dying suddenly in their sleep due to cardiac problems. None of them expected this to happen to them, with the youngest one being 16 years old. Worse still, the report stated that on the average, 300 Singaporeans die this way annually
It took me 16 years to fully realise just how fragile life really is. Once you know that there’s this chance you’re going to be robbed by something that came out of no where, you actually wonder if you should begin to panic and start praying to whoever’s up there to save you.
NAH. No one’s going to save me, simply because I’m too stubborn to be religious. What’s going to happen is bound to happen anyway. Statistics are there for a reason, and it is inevitable that we will all be part of those numbers some day.
Sometimes, we take things that are there to be there forever. But none of us can really, really be bothered until something actually strikes us. And then we go into mourning over what can’t be recovered. For what good cause?
There comes a time when everyone gets to be in that situation, voluntarily or not. It’s my turn now
It’s really funny I can be afflicted by a condition that’s supposed to be hereditary in nature, 90% of it’s victims are age 30 and above, and worse of all, hits 1 in 25000. I’ve already eaten 2500+ tablets, and there’s one really obvious side effect the doc failed to mention – getting so sick of it that you vomit once in a while
But I know it is going to be over soon. Since last year, the status of the cells changed from “having a field day” to “dormant” My cheeks are not as fat anymore because I’m eating 25 less grams of steroids daily (throws away all my photos). I am going to beat this as long as I force more meds down my throat =/.Just a while more. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, when not too long ago, I contemplated wearing shades to reduce incoming light
If it eventually takes away what it came here to do, I’ll still live on, because there is nothing else it can take away. I’ll never lose if I just keep trying (that is, keep eating those rubbish meds)..
*reminds myself to take a break every 2 hours during bnet-ing.*
- Que sera, sera

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