Saturday, June 16, 2007


Moon didn't make it past Korean qualifiers AGAIN =D HAHA
It's some interesting phenomenon to take note of. If Moon is invited personally to any tourney, he wins >80% of them, losing only WEG and WEF from last year. Besides that, he has won all the seasons of W3, IEST, IEF and even the latest WSVG.
I've forgotten to mention, he lost the latest World Wide Invitational to ToD. I guess that's what makes this game really interesting, since placings in the brackets mean alot. While ToD can never beat Sky(whose score against Moon is 1-10) in a human mirror, he stands one of the highest chances of winning Moon in a series of any format.
Ok the above sounds pretty alien to all of you. Here's the point of the whole issue : If there is anything that's certain, it would be that it is uncertain as to who would win next, provided that everyone keeps trying.
*answers the question as to why I fervently click 'Refresh' while they're fighting*
I always pray vigourously for hours in a row for this someone to win it big, just once, for all his hard work and admirable character. His circumstances pretty much define "so close, yet so far".

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