Monday, June 11, 2007


I always have this bored feeling whenever I have to be around people I don’t know for a period of time, no matter how short. Simply put it, I’m an introvert, a really weird one at that. It’s truly strange how my mine work, but hey, who really understands oneself completely? No wonder it’s the “in” thing for films to have their protagonist realising the golden truth of attaining victory when the plot wants him to : understanding yourself. I’ll never get to accomplishing that anyway XD
Went for squash camp on last Friday. I contemplated skipping the training so as to get some nice tourney wins to rush my infernal icon, but decided against it for a reason I never discovered. Anyway, an alumni came down to teach us basics all over again and towards the ending part, I had to play 2 games against 2 other new intakers and.... I got beaten terribly bad. I still haven’t figured out how to serve properly =/
After lunch, it was initiative games. The games weren’t exactly about introduction because apparently we only mentioned our names once, but it gave me a chance to see that they’re really funny people who simply like to have fun. Deep down inside, I know I’m just all too similiar. And that’s when I decided to open up just a little bit, because I can’t help it when people like Justin and Boon Hong keep saying “yo” to me and yet I just wave back and resume stoning.
On Saturday, I dragged myself back to school for the camp again. I had wanted to skip it again because I got this knee injury that’s making me limp. Gloria told me that it is “compulsory” because ‘it is a camp” after all. That wasn’t in the least persuading, because I’ve ignored more dire pleas than that ( =p ). Once again, I’ve no idea why I even woke up at 7am. Training was as usual, and Justin taught the new intakers how to drive and I was pretty happy about my own performance. Not because I’m anywhere near average, I can feel that I’m shifting away from “beyond hope”, a feeling I had for the past few trainings. At least I’m able to serve with a higher % (it’s supposed to be 99.9 for any other person) thanks to a simple tip from Justin
I agreed to waste some time away at Justin’s house, and I learnt how to climb the gate ^^ It’s funny how the school caught girls so far when boys have been climbing way more often. Met the girls for lunch later at J8, and went to Ben’s house to watch a DVD brought over by Gloria which is funny in an adult manner. ( n1 mark :D)..
It’s already 5 plus, and we had run approx 5 km at Macritchie. Not in the least bit fun initially considering the fact that I’ve never ran the full distance. I’m simply too lazy to finish jogging through the whole jungle trail or even the endless highway. The team simply ran together and it kind of amazes me what really motivates me to keep running. I didn’t stop because no one stopped, not even the girls, and therefore I didn’t want to stop. There’s this part nearer the transition between the jungle trail and the pavement whereby the terrain is so uneven that it feels as though I was running up and down steps. I really wanted to give up there and then because I was actually moving faster than a jog ( I always do so when I keep thinking that it’s going to end) and I end up disrupting the pacing of my own heart. There was this clearing in the forest that was filled with light and I wanted to just stop running right there...and poof! I’m on the pavement. My legs stopped for a split second, staring at the concrete, winding beast that laid before me. And then I saw 3 others that continued to jog, and my legs just kicked back into life. I had no idea when it was going to end, but after a while the exhaustion becomes unreal. I didn’t know that it’s possible for someone who’s holed up at home 24/7 like me to experience it, but I was at least able to overtake a the leading girl to reach the finishing line ( I’m not a sexist ><). The run was amazing, and as Gloria put it, it’s “fun” but apparently it was literally so to her because she was probably enjoying the scenery the whole time while I was staring at the floor and pushing my mind at the same time
So it’s pretty lucky of me to join squash. Free exercise, good enough a reduction in computer time, really nice, patient and funny people in there. Unlike teddy who complained about his captain believing that everyone has his stamina (HAHA), I would not actually mind attending training as compared to my secondary school days when I can’t wait for POP..
No one ever really knows whether they’ve made a good decision until their efforts come to fruition (in my case, dragging my lazy self to school). How does one really rationalise their decisions? Is it simply a categorization between those of the heart and the mind? Even though I’m a practical person in nature, sometimes I follow a path that somewhere else inside me is nudging me on to. I guess I'll never ever completely know how my mind truly works.
It would take me way, way more than 2 years to know if my decision to stay behind would precipitate in fortune.


gloria said...

Hey kok, i'm so honoured that you mentioned my name in your post. xD xD xD Glad that you're enjoying squash and the company of crazy people there! i'll train with you when i finally finish my arduous research stint. cheers!


khj said...

omg you comment here instead of tagging! hahaha jia you for research! Do get an A k :P